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The Conjuror’s Magazine, 1: 5 (December 1791) p.163.


SIR George Wharton, a soldier and a poet, famous for his loyalty to Charles I. in whose cause he suffered much and was long imprisoned; was born in Westmorland. He spent the greatest part of his patrimony in the service of Charles I. for whom he raised a fine troop of horse, which he commanded in person. When he could no longer keep the field, he retired to his studies, which he pursued with uncommon application, particularly that of astrology; his progress in this art was suitable to his passion for it. He was author of almanacs, mercuries, and several astrological pieces; we are indebted to him for a chronological account of all the remarkable occurrences in the civil war, since printed under the title of the Historian’s Guide, and much improved of late by Mr. Salmon in the Chronological Historian. He had a knack of versifying, which he used much in his astrological works; these were well suited to the enthusiasm of the times. Upon the Restoration he was appointed paymaster of the ordnance, and created a baronet, which set him above the profession of an author. Died August, 1681. His works were published by Gadbury, 8vo. 1683.