HOW well our short sketch of the winter solstice has already been fulfilled, it is superfluous to point out: the newspapers are crowded with an unusual number of ‘total losses at sea,’ and of persons ‘missing their road.’ The piratical State of Algiers has denounced war against Sweden, and the Emperor of Morocco commenced it against Spain. I can, indeed, only name one ship burned, from the newspapers, but, depend on it, there will be more soon.
On the present new moon, I say not new events will arise, but old will run on to their end—the sails were before given to the wind—the gale is strong—return to port impracticable.—I speak of the world and of nations, as well as of matters put in agitation by individuals.
Kings will be privately tormented and conspicuously impotent and shamed. Women will be shamed too and subject to men. The common people martial, and melancholy and wicked. The Government of England will be strong — of Austria dejected. The HEAD of Sweden drowned cruelly. The Turks from an intimate union with France, will civilize fast—They will aid each other, and afterwards the Russians and Swedes will join the alliance. Spain will gradually come to. Some would-be despots will be whipt soundly, and held to naked shame and heavy punishment.