AS heretofore I have shewn the Public the accomplishment of astrological events, I will now predict and leave others to observe the accomplishment.
Be certain that a heavy destiny overhangs voyages and journeys during the ensuing winter quarter. Mariners and others will be very subject to lose their way, however extraordinary or ridiculous it may appear. Though, in the beginning of, or during the preparations for, their voyage, they may, and shall be, sensible of the danger, they shall not evite it. [E1] There will be NAVAL WARS—there will be Pirates—there will be burning and plundering of vessels, lawlessly and by accident, not fairly: distant roads will be infested with Murderers and Robbers; but short or little journies will be effectually, in time, protected by strong Patroles and a pure Police, though a little threatened at first, which may keep people at home for a short time; but they will soon go out, with perfect boldness. Home is perfectly secure, yea, happy.
Though there will be many total losses, there will be much set to rights, at last, and repaired.
The above judgment is deduced from an Astrological Figure for the Solstice [E2]; but the events commence immediately, and will be in full action all through the winter.