
The Conjuror’s Magazine, 1: 8 (March 1792) p.336.


PART of Ben Row’s communications will severally appear as soon as possible; those which he has promised, will be thankfully received, and appear.

F.B.’s communications are from a book which we are extracting already. Those promised, if not in the same predicament, we shall thank him for.

To an obvious remark, that a frost has happened, soon after I said, ‘There will be no more frost;’ I answer, That it will be seen from a paper, on the Truth, and Importance of Astrology [1] , that the World stands between two disunited, and contrary lights, though in a progress to union. These two are Spirit and Matter. As the actions of a man’s body, may be against the direction of his mind, so may the actions of the World and its accidents, be against the mind of the World. Till these two lights are united, Astrology, founded on one, must be erroneous in the other. B. [E1]

I have anticipated the scheme of Country Societies. If my Gainsborough Correspondent will favour me with his address, the rest of his letter will be answered privately and the opinion requested, given.  W.G.

Our Correspondent who dates from Montrose, will find due attention paid to his letter.

We profess our gratitude to our old friends of Domus Scientiae, for their hints and good wishes: part of their late communications shall have place; but we hope to remain excused for making such alterations as we think for the best.

The Question upon Theft, transmitted from Stumperlow Hall, bears some marks of ingenuity, and may find a place at some future day; but we have not yet done with the nativities.

We thank T.G. for his extract from Sir Kenelm Digby, but as were are in possession of the book, his labour is not so useful to us as if his piece was more original.

W.W.W. Co. Durham. His Take-in  may probably be inserted at some future opportunity.

We shall be glad to hear from W.W. on the subject he mentions. His paper on the increase and diminution of the saline properties of the Sea, is only too long for our purpose. The letter from Paris arrived too late for insertion in the present number.

Mr. G. can conceive an excuse for a Lady shunning to give her name in the first instance, but none for a man, and especially one who pretends to be a gentleman. If Miss A. will please to write her name and place of abode, Mr. Gilbert will return her a satisfactory answer.

B. informs a correspondent from Montrose, that for his Notices he has not erected a figure for any place but London; and that he considers England, and consequently London as, a proper centre to move, or observatory to view, the concerns and events of ALL nations: the reason may be seen by referring to the P.S. of a Letter to the Rev. Mr. Beere in No IV. [E2] However, as particular countries rise on his eye, he may probably set a figure for each place or country. He has hitherto considered them only as their significators bear in a cœlestial figure on London and Paris. PARIS is his east and west house, LONDON his 4th and 10th. [E3]

On receiving an address, the Nativity from Swansea will be privately transmitted by B. and no one will be refused by B. who come forward in a civil form, and with names.

To have inserted in the Magazine, the Nativities received this month, would have filled the number.

[1] In the part necessarily postponed till our next, but written some months past.